Thursday, 22 February 2007

Good day n Bad day

hahaha...finally i decided to update my blog. Well first of all I m happy to secure one med school, at least now i can concentrate on my dissertation n exam. Had a really bad day yesterday after misunderstood the break time; caused me to be an hour late to my project. My supervisor seemed to be pissed as he did most of the work for me n i always late anyway.. -.- Even worse, i screwed up once he passed me the work. I put into wrong tube..using birjou instead of universal for centrifugation... lol ...and i cant believe it....i dropped my birjou into the universal resulting in the marking ink of the birjou to dissolve with the solution and turning the whole thing green! I cant believe it! The bad luck hit again, i dropped whole box of pippete tip.... -.- and thanks to me my green solution did not work with FACS machine... -.- uhh.. i was really upset and down.

today has not been esp good day for project too...i screwed up but in amendable mistakes...hence learning a lot... i m nackered... off i am to read my papers...

have a nice Chinese New Year... Hope u guys had a good new yr..

God bless